After Eating Air: A Conversation with Jasmine Ng Kin Kia
Gerald K. S. Sim shares a conversation with Jasmine Ng Kin Kia regarding Singapore’s film industry, with a focus on the crowdfunded restoration and cinema rerelease of Jasmine’s 1999 film Eating Air.
Mutual Aid: A Roundtable
Celeste Tan shares a A roundtable discussion with Yaiza Canopoli on social aid organisations based in Singapore that aim to offer assistance in many forms to marginalised groups during the pandemic.
Collaborations, Negotiations, and Radical Transformations of Self: A Conversation with Yeo Siew Hua
Mark Wong speaks with renowned local filmmaker, Yeo Siew Hua, on his work to date and experimentalism in film, negotiating with regulatory bodies in an atmosphere that can feel stifling.
Chapter 1/X: நல்வரவு (Welcome): A Conversation with Kalpana Shivaramakrishnan
In this conversation held in a mix of English and Tamil, Aditi Shivaramakrishnan and her mother Kalpana Shivaramakrishnan discuss her migration to, early experiences of, and current feelings about Singapore.
Linings In My Head
A collection by Sharmeen/Sifar
This is an audio collection of 38 headlines sourced from an archived newspaper in Singapore, spanning from 1981 to 2009. Although it’s not a ‘conversation’ in the literal sense, this collection provokes so much more than a casual chat between friends. We invite you to listen closely and reflect on how your own mainstream media presents race, culture and class.